Advanced Optical Fabrication Infrastructure at COPL / Université Laval

Custom optics for innovative systems

Advanced Optical Fabrication Infrastructure at Université Laval enables fabrication and inspection of freeform and classical optical components. From design to fabrication, our team can support you in the realisation of your projects.

The facility

The versatility of the Facility and the expertise of the team allows for prototyping of special optical components.

  • Wide array of materials available
  • Freeform and microstructured optics
  • Versatile surface metrology techniques
  • Flexible and collaborative process
  • Experienced team, from design to fabrication and testing

The equipment

We are equipped with the latest generation of machines for diamond-turning, milling and grinding, post-polishing and inspection of freeform, microstructured and classical optics precision manufacturing.

Precitech Nanoform 250 ultra grind

This 4-axes (X, Z, C, B) diamond turning machine allows form accuracy of less than 0.15 microns PV and surface roughness under 1.5 nm Ra. It can also perform deterministic freeform milling and grinding to a form accuracy of less than 0.20 microns PV and surface roughness under 5 nm Ra. It has a 16-picometer feedback resolution and an operating system with 0.01 nanometer programming resolution and can accommodate optical parts of up to 8-inches diameter and various materials such as metal, glass, plastic and ceramic.

Zeeko IRP 200

This 7-axis CNC optical polishing machine is capable of producing ultra-precise surfaces on a variety of optical materials and surface forms. It can polish convex, concave, freeform and other complex geometries and uses raster, spiral or more complex tool-paths to achieve finishes that can be as good as 2-3 Angstrom.

Talysurf PGI Freeform

Versatile, high-resolution system dedicated to the measurement of spheres, aspheres, diffractive and freeform optics. With a gauge range of up to 28 mm, a resolution of 0.8 nm and the ability to measure slope as steep as 55°, it is ideal for inspection of freeform surfaces, and can compare measurement with various surface equations and representations.

Zygo Verifire

This Fizeau interferometer system provides fast high-precision measurements of plano or spherical surfaces, and transmitted wavefront of optical systems and assemblies. With its 4-inch beam, it can accommodate various material such as glass or plastic, and even precision-machined metal and ceramic surfaces.

Optical assembly and testing laboratory

Your application requires assembly and testing of complex optical systems? Led by Prof. Simon Thibault, the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Optical Design is equipped with a clean-room laboratory with centering and testing devices.

Get in touch

Contact us to see how we can help you further your vision.

  • Email
  • Phone

    (418) 656-2131 ext. 412766
  • Address

    2375 rue de la Terrasse, Université Laval
    Québec G1V OA6, Canada